Showroom der Eigentümerstandortgemeinschaft Lehe

Showroom der Eigentümerstandortgemeinschaft Lehe

Potsdamer Straße 1 27576 Bremerhaven Navigation >
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In the location's words:

  • How can we improve our rental situation?
  • How can we promote our neighborhood?
  • Who can help us with this?

We deal with these and many other questions.

That is the Lehe Property Owners' Association (ESG), an association of committed property owners from the Goethe Quarter in Bremerhaven-Lehe.

The City of Bremerhaven plays an advisory role within our community of interest. This close cooperation opens up interesting opportunities for us. For example, the city supports us in taking advantage of existing funding opportunities by informing us directly and keeping us up to date.

In the initial phase, until the end of 2011, our work was funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development as part of the ExWoSt research field "Owner location communities in urban redevelopment"...

ESG Lehe is a registered association.

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