Food & Drinks in Mülheim an der Ruhr

Here you can find out all about the latest food trends, the hottest new restaurant openings, barista courses, wine tastings, brunch dates and street food festivals.

The best restaurants, cafés, street food spots, wine tastings & beer tastings in Mülheim an der Ruhr

Gourmets take note - here you will find everything to do with food and drinks. Street food festivals, brunch dates, all-you-can-eat restaurants, wine tastings and craft beer tastings. Is there a new opening in your city? We'll let you know first. When is Aperol Monday and which weekly market has the best offers? Rausgegangen tells you which cafés you should book on Sundays and where you can get your coffee with oat milk at no extra charge. Gourmet festivals, food fairs, cocktail happy hours, vegan street food stalls, cooking classes and culinary city tours are just some of the highlights that await you in your city.