Gedenkstätten Brandenburg an der Havel
PHOTO: © Gedenkstätten Brandenburg an der Havel

Gedenkstätten Brandenburg an der Havel

Nicolaiplatz 28/30 14770 Brandenburg an der Havel Navigation >
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The Brandenburg an der Havel Memorials are in charge of 2 memorial sites in the city:

1. in the buildings of the "Old Prison" Brandenburg an der Havel, located in the city center, one of six murder sites of the so-called "Aktion T 4" was established in 1939. Over 70,000 people fell victim to this first, centrally controlled phase of National Socialist murder of the sick in 1940/41. Between January and October 1940, around 9,000 sick, disabled or people stigmatized as "asocial" from psychiatric hospitals in northern and central Germany, including Berlin, were killed by poison gas in the "Old Prison", which was given the cover name "Brandenburg a. H. State Nursing Home".

The permanent exhibition at the memorial, which opened in August 2012, highlights the importance of the euthanasia killing centre as the site of the first "trial gassing" and as the site of the systematic mass murder of Jewish hospital patients. The exhibition also focuses on the direct link between the killing center in Brandenburg and the genocide of the European Jews.


The Brandenburg-Görden prison was built between 1927 and 1936. Planned as a model prison for the reformed penal system in the Weimar Republic, it was one of the largest prisons in the country under National Socialism and in the GDR. From 1940 to 1945, Brandenburg-Görden was one of the central execution sites of the Nazi justice system. Today there is a memorial at the site of the executions, which can be visited by prior arrangement.

The listed prison complex includes the director's residence, which today houses a permanent exhibition on the history of the prison.

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