... innen.aussen.raum e.V., that's twelve more or less young (ex-)Munich residents. The association's concept is called "non-profit" in administrative jargon - but actually that just means: it's about the music we like, which unfortunately has too little space in the state capital. About art and ideas in new spaces. And about affordability. Instead of profit. Love and stuff instead of flashlights and everything homemade.
That's why, since spring 2010, visuals have been flickering across the walls at innen.aussen.raum concerts, artistic things are brought along (photos and installations and participation) and new locations are sought whenever possible. Because music sounds much clearer in the ears when the surroundings don't fit into a pigeonhole.
In addition to the innen: stadt. concert evenings, there are innen.aussen.raum living room gigs, festivals with hand-picked bands of the heart, and gigs in rarely visited places (where the plaster is allowed to crumble in the big city). - And every summer, free unamplified music under the open sky and decorated trees.
Are you interested in becoming an active member or would you like to support us as a sustaining member?
Write to us at info@innen-aussen-raum.net, on Facebook or Instagram or fill out a membership application form directly.
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