Urlaub in Köln 2024
Event Series

Urlaub in Köln 2024

50 Follower:innen
0 Events

In the page's words:

Cologne is more than just the cathedral. "Vacation in Cologne 2024" runs during the first two weeks of the summer vacations. Of the 50 excursions, 50% are new. We cycle from the Butz to the Kunibertsrampe and listen to Cologne aviation stories. We visit places that were portrayed by Chargesheimer and August Sander. How the city has changed over the last 100 years can also be seen on the journey through time "From grocery store to supermarket". Packaging art made in Cologne.

Back in the program is our "Art with a dog" format, which takes you through the city forest. Look forward to excursions through Kalk, Deutz, Südstadt, Zollstock, Lindenthal, Eigelstein, Ehrenfeld and Hahnwald. Our experts provide insider knowledge and make it clear that housing development is also art. We climb towers that are otherwise inaccessible and knock the dust off the legends that triggered a frenzy of pilgrimage tourism in the Middle Ages. We'll also take you through bunkers and scare you at night in the Melaten cemetery - you're in for a treat!

Your Akademie för uns kölsche Sproch/SK Stiftung Kultur

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