FOTO: © evolve festival

Ecstatic Dance w/ Elias Doré l Cacao, Meditation, Singing

Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

Ecstatic Dance w/ Elias Doré l Cacao, Meditation, Sound Healing

Come and join us for a magical evening of dance, music and connection at evolve & Green Yoga's new home at SEZ-Berlin. You're invited to move and flow, scream and dance out everything that wants to be released from your body, landing gently afterwards into a closing circle of musical softness with instruments and singing.

What to expect

In the beginning of the evening, a ceremony of Ritual Cacao will be held by Theresa from the evolve family, to support and facilitate the journey inwards, providing inspiration and energy.

While for the movement part, Elias Doré will provide a multi-faceted sonical wave to lead the dancers through a journey of joy, depth and ecstasy for a total of 2 hours. The space of SEZ has a large dance floor with plenty of space for all movements with windows on all sides and in the roof, so you can dance barefoot if you wish.

The evening will end with a closing ceremony of connection, music and singing.. with space for integration of the experiences and sensations that were felt throughout the session.

This event is a journey for your mind, body and soul. Get ready to let go, express yourself and embrace the joy of dancing freely in a safe and welcoming space.

~ *~ Flow of the evening ~*~

\\~ 19:00 - 19:30 Welcoming and Opening Doors

\\~ 19:30-20:00 Cacao Ceremony

\\~ 20:00 - 22:00 Ecstatic Dance

\\~ 22:00 - 22:30 Closing with Sound Healing

✨ Cacao is included in the ticket price

✨ If money is an issue, please get in touch and we’ll find a solution, everyone is welcome!

✨ doors will be open all night, but coming on time is highly appreciated

Please bring:

1) Comfortable clothes (stretchy dancing shirt, yoga or jogging pants). The hall floor is amazing for being barefoot.

2)If possible your own cup for the Cacao, otherwise we will have paper cups there

3) A water bottle, it can be refilled at the water station.

Pre-sale -15€
At the door - 20€

About Elias Doré:

Elias aims to paint tonal stories that invoke the innermost parts of your imagination. He chooses to embrace a warm, yet powerful, energetic and sophisticated sound. Weaving intricate narratives into a clear dramaturgic sonic stream of consciousness, he invites his audience to collectively dive deeper into the exquisite and innately psychedelic dream of this present moment.

This musical blend speaks universally to audiences of conscious dance events as well as to those who feel most at home in the endless nights and afterhours of Berlin’s notorious nightlife.

Find his sets, podcasts and releases here:


15 euros on Eventbrite 20 euros on the door


SEZ Berlin Landsbergerallee 77 10249 Berlin

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