Welche Kunst ist Klasse? – Von der Kultur im Klassenkampf

Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

Who produces culture in major cultural institutions? And who goes to watch it? The issue is clear and palpable: cultural institutions have a class problem. While discussions about classism and representation in the cultural landscape are ongoing, is that enough?

We ask: How do class struggle and culture intersect? What does class struggle in culture look like, and how does culture influence the class struggle? And what implications does this have for stages and production sites like the Volksbühne, which emerged from the culture of class struggle?

Panel with representatives from:
Factory Collective GKN, Florence, Italy
GKN are workers who have occupied the factory where they were employed since 2021. Now, they decide how they want to work and what to produce: cargo bikes and solar panels instead of car parts. Culture plays a significant role in their class struggle. For instance, 5,000 people attended the cultural festival organized by GKN, which featured literature, theater, and music. This is where workers shape their own narratives. Do labor struggles and culture belong together?

Inti Phaj’si, El Alto, Bolivia
How does class-conscious culture look like in a neighborhood? Inti Phaj’si has established a community cultural space in their neighborhood, a working-class district with an indigenous identity.

Theater X, Berlin Moabit
Theater X shares their perspective as a self-organized CommUnity Theater. They focus primarily on migrant perspectives in the class struggle and operate under the motto “Theater in Movement, Movement in Theater.”

Panel and Discussion, 120 min, German, Italian, Spanish with translation

to the overview of FESTIWALLA


Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Linienstraße 227 10178 Berlin

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