Near Iffeldorf behind Lake Starnberg lies one of the most beautiful groups of lakes we know: the Osterseen. Clear, turquoise-blue water, lots of forest and the mountains in sight. You don't need to be free from giddiness for this tour, as there are no hills to climb. But a certain basic level of fitness and a load of Almdudler for the two-hour round trip won't hurt.

Starting point: Parking lot in Iffeldorf

We start our tour in Iffeldorf. It will take us around 45 minutes by car from Munich, but this can of course vary depending on traffic in the city and on the highway towards Garmisch. If you don't want to travel by car, you can also get to Iffeldorf by train, but you'll need to allow just under an hour for this.

Once you arrive at the (paid) parking lot, the beautiful, colorful kiosk of the Seemadames will tempt you with ice cream and cake. So if you've forgotten a snack, you can stock up here. We are well supplied with Almdudler & Co. As our tour is a circular route, our starting point is also our end point, so we'll see the kiosk again if our stomachs growl later.

Stage 1: From Iffeldorf to the Staltach bathing area

We follow the path around the large Ostersee lake in an anti-clockwise direction, i.e. first in the direction of Lauterbach. We leave the Fohnsee to the left - or rather to the right. If you fancy an even longer route, you can include the Fohnsee and the Sengsee.

During this first section, we tend to see the water from a distance, as the path does not run directly along the shore. Instead, there is a lot of greenery around us. If you want to know more about the fauna, there is an information board along the way. The path alternates between a narrow gravel path and a somewhat wider tarred road. At times we also walk through the forest, which is very pleasant, especially in summer temperatures.

So far, we've just been walking along, discovering lots of plants around us and having enough time to talk at length. Towards the Lauterbacher Mühle private clinic - which looks more like a very expensive hotel complex - there is a slight climb. But once we reach the top, we are rewarded with a great view over the lake.

After a short stretch along the tracks and a biotope-like water landscape, we can already see Gut Aiderbichl. Below it is our first stage destination, the Staltach bathing area. Here we take a break with a round of Almdudler and unpack the rest of our snacks.

Important to know: The Easter Lakes are a nature reserve. This means that you are only allowed to swim and rest in designated areas. Please take this into consideration, otherwise the friendly but firm rangers are sure to admonish you.

Stage 2: Along the eastern shore (to the best bathing spot)

In our opinion, the most beautiful part of the circular route comes after Staltach. Through small forest paths, we pass right by the lake. On some days, the water of Lake Ostersee shines such a magical turquoise blue that we are no longer sure whether we are still in Bavaria or already in the Caribbean. But the mountain panorama in the background reminds us: "Ah yes, still Bavaria!"

We continue walking, our eyes fixed on the water, until we arrive at a bathing spot on the southern eastern bank. In summer, you can swim here between the trees and right on the shore, which is really great.

After this well-deserved break, we set off on the remaining short stretch back to the parking lot. We cross the outward route for the last few meters before we are back in front of the Seemadames kiosk.

The small garden of the kiosk invites you to linger, even though it is right next to the parking lot. Let's just look in the other direction. We treat ourselves to another cake and a char roll and then head back towards the town.

Even without any significant elevation gain, we notice the two-hour walk, but it was absolutely worth it. So much nature, so much panorama and so much clear water all at once - we can only recommend the tour around the Osterseen lakes and will definitely be back.

Directions & Co: What you need to know

Directions: By car, take the A95 towards Garmisch as far as the Penzberg / Iffeldorf exit. Exit there and follow the signs to Iffeldorf. The "Osterseen parking lot" is signposted in the village itself. The parking lot is subject to a charge and also serves as the start and end point of the circuit.

You can also take the regional train to Kochel and get off at Iffeldorf. A short walk through the village and you are also at the lakes.

Difficulty: Very easy tour, which can be done very well with a basic level of fitness. Nevertheless, wear sporty shoes and take some food with you, as you will be out and about for a while.

Duration of the tour: Our tour around the large Ostersee lake took 2 hours. If you include the Fohnsee, you will be on the road for 2.5 hours.

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