Opening: SO 03. NOV | 11 AM
Finissage: SO 24. NOV | 11 UHR
Opening hours: MI 17.30-18.30 UHR and by appointment:
U.Seifert 0151-12755983 or B.Möller: 0174-9827446
Rückertstrasse 21
28199 Bremen
B eate Möller and Ute Seifert have been in an artistic dialog for 12 years: They produce notebooks with small-format drawings in alternating editions. In terms of material, technique and processing time, the individual processing is left to the respective artist, who reacts to the pictures of the other. Two notebooks form a pair. By adding to and reworking them, the individual authorship experiences a newness through the commonality. These pairs of booklets find a common form of presentation in the KUNST [ ] RAUM. Small-format works on paper complement the exhibition and make the individual visual language of the two artists visible.
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