PHOTO: © Nord- und Ostfassde des Humboldt Forums (c) SHF, Foto Alexander Schippel

Alles Fassade? Führung in Deutscher Gebärdensprache (DGS)

In the organizer's words:
The tour in German Sign Language gives an overview of the architecture of the Humboldt Forum.
Which models does the new building follow, with the facade elements reconstructed in parts based on the Berlin Palace? And how are architecture and facades with their sculptural decoration to be read and understood at this location?
We will give you insights into the ideas of architect Franco Stella and the contrasting formal language of baroque and contemporary architecture. The eventful history of building on this site is also a topic, as are related political ideas.
  • German Sign Language (DGS)
  • Number of participants: maximum 15 persons
  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Price: 8,00 Euro per person
  • Meeting point: foyer, ground floor
This content has been machine translated.


Humboldt Forum Schloßplatz 10178 Berlin

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