PHOTO: © (c) Moritz Haase

Aufzeichnungen aus dem Kellerloch

In the organizer's words:
The boundless life in the big city, the claim to freedom and the preciousness of one's own life plan - namely to be able to live exactly as one wants to - find little place in "real" life at the end of the day. The question arises: Does "free will" exist at all? Is it possible at all, "to live according to one's own imagination"? Or is that in the end only something for the "happy few", in a world that has long since been calculated and sold? In a reckoning and approach in equal measure, Dostoevsky's protagonist relives his life, preaches and rages hopelessly, always in search of real life within the abysses of society. This content has been machine translated.


Berliner Ensemble Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1 10117 Berlin