In the organizer's words:

Cinema Betonhalle

25 years poesiefestival berlin, 20 years ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival! We are showing highlights from the last year. The poetry films take a stand against violence, racism, war and propaganda. They ask uncomfortable questions about the treatment of refugees and political dissidents, about environmental destruction and armed violence. Gloomy, tender, unwieldy and also funny. They celebrate small victories over the seemingly alternative-less orders of the world. The poems in the poetry films were written by Simon Armitage, Natalla Arsieńnieva, Ariane von Graffenried, Sawako Nakayasu, Raisa Troianker/Zgadka Volodymyr Sosiura and Zhai Yongming, among others.

Project management: Thomas Zandegiacomo Del Bel, Alexander Gumz

Supported by:

The poesiefestival berlin is a project of the Haus für Poesie in cooperation with silent green Kulturquartier and the Akademie der Künste and is funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds.

This content has been machine translated.


silent green Gerichtstr. 35 13347 Berlin


Haus für Poesie
Haus für Poesie Knaackstraße 97 10435 Berlin

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