On January 27, 2025, the British Shorts Film Festival returns to the beautiful Intimes cinema in Friedrichshain to present some of the best new short films from the UK and Ireland. From comedy, drama and animation to documentary, all genres are represented in this screening. The program will be shown at 8pm and as a repeat at 10.15pm.
The film program:
Pink (Drama), D.: Yassa Khan, 22:09 min.
A son and his antagonistic bank robber father come together for a very unusual project.
Packing Away (Drama), D.: Mykea Fairweather Perry, 16:30 min.
Nicholas and Jason face emotional turmoil as they sort through their deceased mother's belongings.
Floaters (Animation), D.: Mocong Yuan, 05:54 min.
A woman's life is turned upside down when she notices strange floating threads in her field of vision.
Sidewalk Shuffle (Comedy), D.: Max Bach, 02:14 min.
An awkward sidewalk encounter between two strangers turns into a shuffle ... a sidewalk shuffle.
Teddy Picker (Drama), D.: Alfie Stewart, 07:04 min.
A father desperately tries to win a present for his daughter from a vending machine, while at the same time a few phone calls reveal that he's in even bigger trouble.
Calico (Comedy, Coming of Age), dir.: Jake Mavity, 14:59 min.
Lorrie is bullied at school because of her severe vitiligo and steals the school's talking goldfish (star comedian Jamali Maddix).
Alice (Drama), D.: JAKE ALDEN FALCONER, 14:59 min.
A mother sells a story about her famous daughter to the press. But when she dies of an overdose, she must come to terms with her responsibility for the tragedy.
No Strings (Drama), dir.: Molly Lipson, 09:57 min.
Milly has been called away at the last minute to do a live television interview on behalf of the climate movement to which she belongs. When it dawns on her why she was chosen, she doubts her group's motivation.
The Real Thing (Dark Comedy), dir.: Charlie Fink, 14:35 min.
A lonely man begins a race against time to get rid of a dark secret in his apartment after a surprisingly successful date.
British Shorts Film Festival, 23.-29.1.2025 at Sputnik Kino, City Kino Wedding, Acudkino, Kino Intimes, Klick Kino and Xenon Kino.
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