PHOTO: © Quelle: Arsenal – Institut für Film und Videokunst

CITIZEN KANE (Magical History Tour)

In the organizer's words:

Sat 21.9., 16h & Sun 29.9., 17:30h
CITIZEN KANE Orson Welles USA 1941 35 mm English OV with Span. UT 119'
Newspaper magnate Charles Foster Kane dies in his grotesque fantasy castle Xanadu. His last word: Rosebud. A reporter sets out in search of the meaning of this word and recapitulates his life in encounters with people who knew Kane. Hollywood gave Welles (almost) free rein for his debut, which he used to break with many cinematic conventions of the time. Gregg Toland's camera work and lighting also set standards. Xanadu's black world of shadows meets the white snowy landscapes of Kane's childhood - in addition to depth of field, extreme top and bottom views and harsh backlighting, it is not least the alternating light and dark that make up Kane's psychogram.

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Arsenal Potsdamer Str. 2 10785 Berlin

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