PHOTO: © Marie-Christin Richter

Cornhole Turnier am Revierstrand in Dortmund

In the organizer's words:

Grab your friends, treat yourselves to a few tasty drinks, enjoy the beach flair and take part in our Cornhole tournament on the Revierstrand in Dortmund*.

Cornhole is a popular and easy-to-learn outdoor game from the USA in which two teams take it in turns to throw small bags into a hole on a slightly raised wooden platform from a distance of 8 meters.

The schedule

15:00 - 15:45: Warm up
15:45: Opening
16:00: Preliminary round
17:30: Knockout phase
19:00: Award ceremony

How to register

To participate in our Cornhole Tournament you need two Badgepacker Event Tokens per team (one token per player), which you can buy in our store. As soon as you have purchased a token (or if you still have tokens left), you can reserve a starting place via the registration form.

*Only takes place if the weather is good and the beach is open. We will inform you by e-mail and via our Instagram account at the latest on the day of the event whether the tournament will take place.

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Revierstrand Wischlingen Höfkerstraße 12 Revierpark 44149 Dortmund

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