In the organizer's words:

The play "The Trial of Hans Litten" is based on historical facts.
It shows Irmgard Litten's struggle to free her famous son, the lawyer
son, the lawyer Hans Litten, who, together with Erich Mühsam and
Erich Mühsam and Nobel Peace Prize winner Carl von Ossietzky in various concentration
various concentration camps by the SA and SS. Despite their political imprisonment and torture, the three kept their sense of humor until their deaths and showed greatness and humanity in their tireless fight to preserve democracy.
Hans Litten died 86 years ago in Dachau concentration camp.
"The Trial of Hans Litten" is a production by Marion Elskis.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Early bird (until 15.8.) € 20.00 Not available Reduced early bird € 10.00 Not available Normal price € 24.00 Reduced price € 12.00


Rudolf Steiner Haus Mittelweg 11-12 20148 Hamburg


Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Hamburg

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