The documentary for the whole family "The Oak - My Home" tells the story of a 210-year-old English oak and its inhabitants such as squirrels, jays, weevils, field mice and foxes, who find refuge, shelter and a home in or around this majestic tree.
Director: Michel Seydoux and Laurent Charbonnier, France 2022
Screenplay: Michel Fessler and Michel Seydoux
Producer: Barthelemy Fougea, Michel Seydoux
Duration: 80 min.
Event as part of the "Baumschule Kulturforum" - a project of the St. Matthäus Stiftung and the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz. The project is funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cooperation and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
Based on an idea by: Laurent Charbonnier
Storyboard: Vincent Coperet
Visual design: Mathieu Giombini
Sound design: Martine Todisco, Samy Bardet, Philippe Penot, Marc Doisne
Editing: Sylvie Lager
Production design: David Faivre
Music Cyrille: Aufort
Production: Winds, Camera One, Gaumont