PHOTO: © Melancholie___Oligor_y_Microscopia

Die Melancholie des Touristen

In the organizer's words:

Documentary object theater by Oligor y Microscopia

Things appear on a stage and disappear again: lights and shadows, photographs, fragile mechanisms, miniatures made of paper and sheet metal. A delicate little theater-cinema, a play of daydreams whose poetic inventiveness transports the audience back to the moment when the toys were still alive.

The performance "The Melancholy of the Tourist" plays with the idea of paradise. It is the result of field research in vacation resorts where traces were found that tell of the rise and fall, the creation and loss of a paradise. "The Melancholy of the Tourist" is a gallery of mirages of what remains behind the intensity of a transfigured landscape that no longer exists or that never existed; a body that fades in time and only revives through memory. The "melancholy of the tourist" questions images in a state of limbo and releases a force that makes the viewer (re)discover themselves in the gaps between the images.

A co-production of Iberescena, Patronato Municipal de las Artes Escénicas y de la Imagen del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza, Pyrenart, Le Parvis scène nationale Tarbes-Pyrenées, Temporada Alta, POCTEFA, Grec Festival de Barcelona

What is the climate impact ticket?

As PATHOS theater, we would like to take responsibility together with our audience for the climate impact costs of our operations, which are associated with the unavoidable emissions of our theater. The €2 or €6 surcharge on the ticket price goes 100% to the Climate Fair project, which is committed to promoting social and ecological transformation in Germany and here in Munich (e.g. by investing in green electricity systems and energy-saving projects).

You can find more information on our homepage.

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PATHOS theater Dachauer Str. 110d 80636 München


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