Hip hop
DISSY is exactly what trained feature journalists call a "complete artist". His identity is not defined solely by the stringing together of neatly formulated lines on beats. DISSY is a cosmos, a complete aesthetic system. At first glance, he may seem unapproachable and unreal in view of his versatility: This guy with the penetrating gaze, who is so impressively unimpressed by the usual pop-cultural multipliers.
DISSY stands out from the broad mass of contemporary urban artists with his direct melancholy and his disguised, playful melancholy. A closer look reveals the clear vision to which he has consistently adhered, however much he has developed over the years. DISSY loves the play between harmony and chaos, in the sound images as well as in the visual realization of his tracks. Unashamedly blunt. Unequivocally sincere. Open-heartedly insensitive. Although or precisely because his output is too complex for the afternoon program of dusty radio stations, DISSY is the honest reflection of a misunderstood, disoriented generation.