PHOTO: © Foto: Stefan Melchior

Diversity in Harmony: Nachtmusique

In the organizer's words:

Mozart's "Nachtmusique" in C minor KV 388 is confronted with a work of the same instrumentation by Isang Yun, the wind octet composed on Tenerife (1994).

At the center of this concert is a late work by Isang Yun, composed in Tenerife in 1994, which is juxtaposed with a work by Mozart with the same instrumentation: Mozart composed the Serenade in C minor K. 388, known as "Nachtmusique", in Vienna in 1981/82 - at a time when he was
he co-founded the Viennese classical style by integrating baroque, polyphonic compositional techniques.

Strictly speaking, Mozart's four-movement Serenade is a wind symphony. Yun's wind octet unfolds a kind of infinite melody in the interplay of rival thirds and groups of thirds. The Berlin composer Markus Bongartz composed a horn fanfare for each part of the program. This unusual concert program is rounded off by "Tell it or shout" for bassoon and double bass (2014) by Charlotte Seither.

Markus Bongartz: Fanfare I for horn solo (2024) - world premiere (commissioned work)
Charlotte Seither: Tell it or shout with bassoon and double bass (2014)
Isang Yun: Wind octet with double bass (1994)
Markus Bongartz: Fanfare II for horn solo (2024) - world premiere (commissioned work)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Serenade in C minor KV 388 (1781/82)

Birgit Schmieder wind octet
Birgit Schmieder / Yuriy Nefyodov (ob.), Adrian Krämer / Julius Engelbach (clar.), Helene Fleuter / Adam Allouche (Hr.), N. N. / N. N. (Fg.), Oskari Hänninen (Kb.)

ORGANIZER: International Isang Yun Society e. V., in cooperation with Kultur Büro Elisabeth.
With the support of GVL (Gesellschaft zur Verwertung von Leistungsschutzrechten) and the GEMA Foundation.

Free admission, donation requested

Photo (c) International Isang Yun Society e. V.

This content has been machine translated.


Villa Elisabeth Invalidenstr. 3 10115 Berlin

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