PHOTO: © Birte Zellentin

Einblicke: Open Space XL

In the organizer's words:
With our new 4-hour format EINBLICKE: OPEN SPACE XL we create a space to experiment and play theater together. We open our rehearsal stage for everyone who wants to get to know theater playing and try it out for themselves. For one Saturday afternoon, 14.00-18.00, we will intensively devote ourselves to different theatrical styles and test improvising and playing theater together. Younger and older, theater novices and theater experienced - all are welcome! INSIGHT: OPEN SPACE - as a shorter and regular offer - takes place every Thursday 19.30-21.30. You can find the next dates here. This content has been machine translated.


Berliner Ensemble Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1 10117 Berlin

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