Elke Winter is the first artist in the history of travesty not to conceal her true age. In any case, she puts the current program at the service of important truths... about her luxurious body and its, ahem, interesting transformations and needs.
This new, radical honesty suits the show icon, as she has never been one to mince her words when it comes to uncomfortable truths in general or just the hideous shirt of the man in row five. So it makes perfect sense that now, in this new and special stage of her life, she is openly saying what everyone is thinking: getting older is inevitable. But - it's a big but: you can very well glide into the penultimate stage of your life with dignity, style and eroticism.
What does that mean in concrete terms? Does Elke now only wear pink instead of beige? Does she stand by her physical infirmities and old-fashioned views? Can she continue to recognize the trends in her industry and even set them herself? Will she only wear "gaggy glasses" and "cheeky bobs" from now on? Is the ultimate solution to everything then "injecting instead of cutting"? How do best-agers kiss? And: What does Elke Winter actually do in her rare free time? Straw stars, hobby horsing or ikebana? In any case, probably alone, because most of her friends have already passed away...
Elke Winter has been thrilling audiences on stages all over Germany, on countless cruises and at festivals for over three decades. In her private life, she lives with her husband in a "Gardine-half-height, one and a half children, beautiful front gardens, lots of dogs" community in the Hamburg area - and she is determined to tell you about it too.
THAT ALONE NOW! It's a relentless program to make you laugh out loud, in which they even sing live and with dedication. You are very welcome!
Written & directed by Jan Martensen & Olaf Krüger
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