PHOTO: © Zimmer 16

Frankys Herzkleber

In the organizer's words:

Frankys Herzkleber started their first concert in Pankow in the fall of 2019. Friends who don't just get together to make music. The focus is on having fun. The fanbase is growing steadily.

The band around frontman Franky plays their own songs with German lyrics. The spark quickly spreads to the audience. The band has been working a lot in the studio since the beginning of 2022 and has only played a few concerts in that time.

Herzkleber's 1st album was released at the end of 2023, followed by their 2nd album in spring 2024. The band can now also be heard on the radio.

Professionally filmed videos can be found on YouTube. Come and enjoy it when the boys glue (your) hearts.

And the catchy tune "Hey Berliner Bär, wo kommst du her?" is a must at every concert.

This content has been machine translated.


Zimmer 16 Florastraße 16 13187 Berlin

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