PHOTO: © Plakatmotiv

fünf minuten stille

In the organizer's words:

five minutes of silence
by Leo Meier

It's 2024 and they've come by bike. The plan: to listen to the silence for a moment, the wind in the cornfield, the birds in the branches perhaps. The three of them agree that nobody does that any more and that all people do instead is complain. Points of view and opinions soon shoot through the shy silence; after all, no one wants the others to get the wrong impression of them.
Instead, they say what they've all been thinking for ages: it's the problem! The problem! Of this world! To problematize it! In the protected space, the facades of self-presentation briefly fall and give way to fears and longings in the face of a fragile future. And suddenly those out there become the problem. Because hell, as we all know, is the others.

Leo Meier, himself an actor, won the Audience Award at the Heidelberg Stückemarkt 2022 with his debut play "zwei herren von real madrid". Four actors from the Munich Volkstheater ensemble - Liv Stapelfeldt, Anne Stein, Jan Meeno Jürgens and Steffen Link - take on the world premiere of his new play and collectively perform Leo Meier's subtle and humorous text about a nervous and constantly irritated society in search of tenderness.

More information and tickets here:

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Münchner Volkstheater Tumblingerstraße 29 80337 München

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