In December 2023, the museum received a mysterious overseas crate. It reads: "Overseas luggage service, Bremer HBF for Erwin Hertweck, departure July 10, 1960, MS Aurelia and ex Bremerhaven to Australia". The history of the crate can only be deciphered with detective work. What is an overseas crate? How did it get to Australia? And who are Erwin and Aurelia? Dr. Jan Christoph Greim, Head of the Commercial Studies Department, takes over the investigation!
Knowledge tour for children with Dr. Jan Christoph Greim | without registration
3,- € | Free admission for members of the Maki Children's Club, adults 3,50 €
Price information:
3,- € | Free admission for members of the Maki Children's Club, adults 3,50 € | Free admission for members of the Maki Children's Club, adults 3,50 €