In the organizer's words:

The underground museum will be open from 2pm-2pm.
The permanent collection will be open from 2-6 pm.

A cooperation between the Situation Kunst Foundation, the Folkwang University of the Arts and the Institute of Art History at the Ruhr University Bochum

To mark the penultimate performance of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, this year's Folkwang University of the Arts summer play in the Schlosspark, the Situation Kunst Foundation, the Institute of Art History at Ruhr-Universität Bochum and the Folkwang University of the Arts are jointly organizing the "Happy Art Night". Between 2pm and 11pm, the grounds of Situation Kunst will be transformed into a place of artistic happiness: the underground museum and the park will become a stage not only for the visual arts, but also for drama and music. In the museum, which is open until 11 p.m., visitors can explore works from the exhibition Happy Days, which go beyond clichés to focus on happiness in difficult times, and listen to the musical contributions of the jazz trio Knud and the songs and chansons of Solopatí in the park. The drama students of the Folkwang University of the Arts will not only devote themselves to Shakespeare's trials and tribulations in Was ihr wollt, but will also approach the theme of happiness, as expressed in the works of art in the exhibition, through staged readings before and after the performance.

With the kind support of the Kemnader Kreis e.V. and the Verein der Freunde und Förderer Situation Kunst - Haus Weitmar


- 14-15.30 hrs:

Happiness stories. Workshop for young people (12-16 yrs.)

In the collection presentation Weltsichten there are many little stories to discover in the different pictures. Together we will choose pictures and then write short texts, think up stories that the works tell us.

Register by 26.06. at kunstvermittlung(at)

- 3 pm and 10 pm Public guided tour through the park

Meeting point: in front of the entrance to the underground museum

- 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. Music in the park: Knud Jazz Trio

- 17:00, 17:20 and 17:40 as well as 22:00 and 22:20

Scenes in the exhibition - Happy Days performative

Drama students from the Folkwang University of the Arts take a performative approach to the works of art in the exhibition at the Museum unter Tage, thus opening up another perspective on the theme of "happiness".

- 18:45 Music on stage: Solopatí

- 19:30 - 21:30 Summer theater:

William Shakespeare: What You Will (Folkwang University of the Arts)

This content has been machine translated.


Museum unter Tage Nevelstraße 29C 44795 Bochum

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