In the last years of the Weimar Republic, shortly before her flight from Germany in 1933, the young Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) worked on a text in which she became visible as a political philosopher for the first time. Her topic: Judaism and the public sphere. Her counterpart: Rahel (1771-1833), born Levin, later married Varnhagen, for herself "Rahel all her life and nothing else". For Arendt, "my best friend, unfortunately dead a hundred years now".
We bring the two intellectual greats into dialog with each other and with today's Arendt and Rahel research. Come along on an uncomfortable journey through time, into the 20th century, into the 19th century and back to the present - the famous salonière and her no less prominent biographer invite you to a public encounter!
Alena Baich (as Hannah Arendt)
Actress at the Vienna Burgtheater, guest performances at the Berlin Theatertreffen, the Edinburgh Festival, the Ruhrtriennale, among others
Georg Stephan (as Rahel)
Stage artist and initiator of theater and science - as an actor works at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus, the Münchner Kammerspiele, among others
Susanne Eder (dance and performance)
Stage dancer, engagements including in the opera ballet of the Deutsche Oper Berlin and the Staatsoper Berlin; dance teacher
Prof. Barbara Hahn
Literary scholar, Vanderbilt University/ Freie Universität Berlin, editor of the writings of both Rahel Levin Varnhagen and Hannah Arendt
A cooperative event by:
Freie Universität Berlin, Hannah Arendt Edition Project
Jewish Community of Berlin
Foundation New Synagogue Berlin, Centrum Judaicum
Berlin State Library, Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation
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