PHOTO: © Shoplift

Intersektionale Tage für Groß und Klein

In the organizer's words:

With our project InterFemme* x RJM - Intersectional Days for young and old, we invite children and parents to an exciting adventure! Together with experts in anti-discrimination and diversity, we immerse ourselves in creative workshops, interactive readings and lively theater performances. Participation is free of charge!

Particularly exciting: the Forum Theater! Here, the audience becomes part of the story - you can participate directly on stage and discover new ways to overcome injustice and discrimination. Together we develop fresh ideas, strengthen each other and create a world in which diversity is celebrated.

Our goal? To learn together, have fun and make a difference!

October 05, 2024 - READINGS:

10:30 - 11:30 Najima El Hadouchi
"Najima means star - a special reading for the whole family"

Let us take you into the moving story of Najima, a courageous little girl who learns to appreciate her uniqueness. In our reading of "Najima Means Star", children and parents experience together how important self-esteem, respect and openness are.

This reading is more than just listening: Together we reflect on names and what makes us special. With exciting questions and small interactive moments, the reading becomes an experience that involves everyone and encourages reflection.

Najima El Hadouchi, born and raised in Frankfurt am Main, has been working in public relations for years, mainly on topics such as discrimination and empowerment. She is passionate about writing children's books. As the mother of a daughter, she wants to help children appreciate their uniqueness with her first children's book.

Registration is not required.

14:00 - 15:00 Ana Teixeira "My two grandmothers"

"My two grandmothers" was illustrated by Ana Teixeira and two of her grandchildren. With a mixture of photography, watercolors and the children's drawings, the book deals with a very topical subject: new family constellations; in this case, the story of a boy who has two grandmothers who are married to each other. Based on the author's life, the book tells of the differences between these grandmothers; one very organized, the other somewhat chaotic. One eats meat and the other drinks a lot of water. The relationship between the two women is described by the grandson in a peculiar way.

My Two Grandmothers was published by Pólen livros in 2017 and there is also a digital edition.

Ana Teixeira is an artist and holds a Master's degree in Visual Poetics from the University of São Paulo. Her work encompasses various media, with a special interest in drawing and participatory art. She teaches contemporary art courses and has been working with children and young people in her studio for over 20 years. She was awarded the Rumos Itaú Cultural Award in 2008 for her work in this field. "Minhas duas avós" is her first children's book.

Registration is not required.

15:15 - 16:15 Josephine Apraku

How do I explain racism to children? How do I talk to my child about racism? What does racism do to my child? How can I empower my child when they experience racism? Josephine Apraku answers these and other questions in the reading and invites you to a discussion. Josephine Apraku is an African studies scholar, author, lecturerand trainerfor intersectional, racism-critical educational work. Josephine's texts have been published by EDITION F, Missy Magazine and Tagesspiegel, among others. "Kluft und Liebe" (Eden Books, 2022) examines oppression in romantic relationships; "Mein Workbook zu Rassismus" and the interactive card set "Lasst uns über Rassismus reden!" (2023, Familiar Faces) invite people to engage in self-reflection critical of racism. Most recently, Josephine's children's books "Tschüss Uroma" (2023) and "Ein ganz normaler Tag" (Carlsen) were published. In 2024, "Mein Workbook zu Rassismus" was named one of the most beautiful German books by the Stiftung Buchkunst.

Registration is not required.

October 17, 2024 - WORKSHOP:

11:00 - 14:00 WHO IS EQUAL AFTER ALL?
With Ana Teixeira

Activity for children aged 6 and over

Based on her book "My two grandmothers", the author, who is also a visual artist, will design exciting and creative activities with the children. She uses drawing as a playful and provocative tool that is full of creative possibilities. The children are allowed to draw and experiment in different ways as they explore the central theme of the book - diversity and difference - in a lively and imaginative way.

Ana Teixeira is an artist and holds a Master's degree in Visual Poetics from the University of São Paulo. Her work encompasses various media, with a special interest in drawing and participatory art. She teaches contemporary art courses and has been working with children and young people in her studio for over 20 years. She was awarded the Rumos Itaú Cultural Award in 2008 for her work in this field. "Minhas duas avós" is her first children's book.

Registration at:

November 09, 2024 - FORUM THEATER:

14:00 - 17:00 Forum Theater
InterFemme* e.V.

Forum Theater performance for children and parents

Join us and experience a very special theater performance for the whole family! In our Forum Theater we playfully show different forms of discrimination and how to deal with them.

Forum theater is an interactive form of theater in which the audience not only watches, but also participates! Together, children and parents can intervene in the action, suggest solutions and try out alternative approaches. In this way, we learn together how we can act in difficult situations - always creatively, always together.

Come along and be part of this exciting performance!

Registration is not required.

November 23, 2024 - WORKSHOP:

14:00 - 17:30 Understanding, reflecting & confronting racism!

For young people aged 16 and over

"It's not our fault that we've been taught so much racist nonsense. But we can get rid of it now!" (Noah Sow)

Participants use creative exercises, tasks and role-playing games to explore the following questions: How can I take a stand against racism? What does racism have to do with me? What can I do about it? Prerequisite for participation is the willingness to question oneself critically.

Shivā Amiri: artist, curator, trainer, holistic coach & moderator. Amiri performs on stage, curates exhibitions & community art based events. Amiri also offers art spaces, workshops & intersectional process facilitation in art and cultural institutions nationwide. Amiri works on topics such as mindfulness, body, self-empowerment, flight, racism/whiteness, gender diversity or cis-normativity. As a trainer, Amiri creates spaces in which bodies are invited to be. Spaces in which habitual energies become conscious & collective healing can be felt. Shivā positions herself as a non-binary, neurodiverse, Muslim trans person of color & loves selfmade cake.

Registration at:

November 24, 2024 - WORKSHOP:

14:00 - 17:30 "To understand me, you have to look through a kaleidoscope"

For all adults who want to explore the topic of intersectionality.

There is a lot of talk about diversity. But what do diverse realities and ways of life and intersectionality mean? What does intersectionality mean in a society in which voices are becoming louder and louder against diverse lifestyles and worlds? What do the recent political and social discussions mean for us? For our coexistence? What ways can we find allies and supporters who show solidarity and work together for a society in which diverse lifestyles have their place and can flourish? These questions and more will be critically discussed and reflected upon in our workshop.

Saloua Mohammed: State-recognized social worker/educator; consultant for racism criticism and right-wing extremism prevention (IDA NRW); research assistant and lecturer (Cologne University of Applied Sciences) and certified trainer for diversity and intersectionality (Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin). As part of her political education work, she works with various target groups (children, young people, adults) on the topics of racism criticism, empowerment, intersectionality and ideologies of inequality.

Registration at:

November 30, 2024 - WORKSHOP:

14:00 - 17:30 Jinan Dib
Empowerment workshop for BIPoC / people with experiences of racism

The workshop is a safer space, i.e. it is aimed exclusively at BIPoC, i.e. Black, Indigenous and People of Color who experience racism not only in Germany.

In a society in which racism is commonplace, empowerment spaces can be places where it is possible to take a deep breath. In this workshop, we want to create a space together in which we can exchange experiences of racism and empowerment. We will look at the role that racism plays in everyday life, we will look at strategies for action and consider how we can support each other (together). The exchange makes it possible to talk about solidarity and to formulate positions and demands.

Jinan Dib (she/he) is a sociolinguist and works nationwide as a political education officer in adult and youth education with a focus on empowerment, criticism of racism and power, anti-discrimination and participation.

Registration at:

Have a look here:, Instagram: @interfemme

This content has been machine translated.


Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum Cäcilienstraße 29-33 50667 Köln