Stop: Neumarkt
The Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum was founded in the colonial era, and an important part of the collection dates from before the First World War. Presented are everyday and ritual objects as well as historical photographs from all over the world. Today, this historical collection naturally raises questions about colonial heritage. What might curatorial methods of collaboration and new approaches to communicating current issues look like?
"Your Turn! Space4Kids at the RJM."
The museum offers an 800 square foot activity space for children ages 6-12. This space will be created from 20.09 - of course in collaboration with the little museum visitors:inside.
"I MISS YOU. About missing, giving back and remembering."
"I MISS YOU" is a project that is gradually emerging through a wide variety of narratives about missing and remembering cultural objects looted during the colonial period in analog and digital space. "I MISS YOU" is a platform for mourning, for an ongoing and never-ending process of healing colonial rifts in our society
This content has been machine translated.HOUSE OF BATES // POP-U…
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The PhotoBookMuseum
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Museum Ludwig
artrmx e.V.
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Kölnisches Stadtmuseum
GAG Museumswohnung
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Museum Schnütgen
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Museum Raffael Becker
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TimeRide VR Cöln