PHOTO: © Kathrin Schäfer

Katrin Hylla »Trouble« Performance für Menschen ab 10 Jahren

PICK OF THE DAY Theater performance premiere
You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

"Trouble is an interesting word. It means to stir up, make cloudy or disturb"

(Donna Haraway: Staying with the trouble)

We have made clouds and expose ourselves to storms. We ask: How do we remain stable in the eye of the tornado, in this whirlwind of information and disturbing news? We often feel powerless in the face of all the trouble. Sometimes we would like to hide away and pull the covers over our heads. But we don't want it to stay that way!

Inspired by stories and characters from the magical land of Oz, five performers aged between 10 and 43 are looking for ways to deal with the gloomy scenarios we encounter every day on all channels. Can cotton candy, magic tricks or poems by Kae Tempest help? How can we react to all the trouble together? And how can we become strong without hardening ourselves?

Side events

On Fri 14.6. followed by the premiere party
On Sat 15.6. with audience discussion afterwards
On Sun 16.6. family*friendly with childcare

Information on accessibility

Duration: approx. 60 minutes.

In German spoken language with songs in English spoken language.

There are intense light and fog effects, as well as dazzling lights and reflections.

In some places there is loud and sudden music.

In one scene, a magic trick is performed in which one of the performers appears to be sawn in half (but nothing happens to him!).

In some dialogues, threatening future scenarios, the climate crisis and war are addressed.

The audience area in the stands is seated.
Wheelchair spaces are usually located in the front row and can be reserved in advance by telephone(0421 520 80 70), by email or by entering them in the ticket store.

Individual requirements such as specific seats, early boarding or an additional ticket for an accompanying person can also be specified when purchasing or reserving tickets.

Further information on the accessibility of our premises can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact us at or 0421 520 80 70.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Solidarity price system: € 8 / 12 / 18 (freely selectable) Bremen Pass: € 3 Children and young people aged 5-17: € 5 Cultural semester ticket: free of charge


Schwankhalle Buntentorsteinweg 112/116 28201 Bremen

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