PHOTO: © Thomas Aurin

Keine Angst! Klassenk*mpf!? - Die Ausstellung - Club al Hakawati

In the organizer's words:

When stories are told by workers, they are not just stories: They are rough hands, woven clothes, braided pigtails and songs at weddings. They are films of migrant workers resisting the patriarchal labor machinery with roses, images of queers uniting their struggles for recognition and basic rights with those of their striking comrades. They become symbols and traditions in the class struggle, for revolts and revolutions.

These memories of the struggles cannot just be presented as artifacts from a lost time. They are knowledge that teaches us how and for what to fight and which tools are necessary in a world in which the struggle against capitalism and imperialism continues. The exhibition is a space to become aware of the stories of the workers who fought for our rights and some of whom died in their struggle - an interactive installation that reminds us of the sacrifices and courage of the workers we can draw inspiration from:

The guest workers who successfully fought for work and dignity, for bread and roses at Pierburg in Neuss in 1973; the struggles of Palestinian workers during the British Mandate; the British miners and activists: Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners, who created a network of solidarity during a year of strikes (between 1984 and 1985); the current struggles for the right to strike of workers in the GIG economy from Gorillas to Wolt; the factory occupations, such as that of the exGKN workers near Florence, and many more.

We install these stories on the walls and pillars of the Volksbühne. The Volksbühne has its origins in the workers' movement. It was built through the support of workers and their membership fees. For a long time, it was a stage for the culture of class struggle. With FESTIWALLA, we want to build on this and take over the Volksbühne with our art - in search of a new class perspective for today. And without nostalgia, but with the workers of today, migrant, conscious, young, queer and anti-colonial.Their poems, photos, installations, films, remnants and also the curated book fair, with stories, poems and analyses, will be accessible throughout the festival between performances.

Opening hours of the exhibition:

MI 10.07.24 18:00 - 20:00
DO 11 .07.24 12:00 - 14:00 // 17:00 - 22:00
FR 12. 07.24 12:00 - 14:00 // 17:00 - 22:00
SA 13.07.24 14:00 - 20:00

to the overview FESTIWALLA

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Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Linienstraße 227 10178 Berlin

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