In the organizer's words:

In cooperation with Theater Thikwa

Separating waste, shredding it, layering it, digging it up, moving it, waiting, digging it up again, waiting, letting it decompose and waiting again. Thousands of little animals work day and night to turn organic waste into something useful again - a never-ending game with lots of crawling legs to save our planet. Because nothing grows there anymore, we urgently need new fertile soil.

In the game "Compost Horror" you work your way through the compost layer by layer as dung beetles, earthworms and larvae - a race against time. Attention: In every compost level there are mean opponents lurking, behind every banana peel an unforeseen attack is waiting - the absolute horror. A team of actors from the Parkaue and Theater Thikwa will compete against you. Who will create the ground for new life in the end?

In "Compost Horror", the artists Manuel Gerst and Leonie Graf translate the recycling cycle of the compost ecosystem into an interactive game. In it, questions of sustainability and personal responsibility are negotiated in times of man-made climate change.

In the context of opening up for long-term inclusive working relationships, the Parkaue has been cooperating since the beginning of the last season with Theater Thikwa, which has been making theater with disabled and non-disabled artists for more than 30 years.

Supported by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe Berlin.

Invited to the Wildwechsel Festival 2023

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

3.00 - 14.00€


Theater an der Parkaue Parkaue 29 10367 Berlin