PHOTO: © Valery Tenevoy via Unsplash

Körperwelten Bremen

In the organizer's words:

The exhibition has already inspired more than 55 million people around the world. Now the most successful anatomy show is coming back to Bremen with a new theme.
KÖRPERWELTEN - Am Puls der Zeit is the latest exhibition by KÖRPERWELTEN creators Dr. Gunther von Hagens and Dr. Angelina Whalley. The exhibition shows the human body in its many facets, its vulnerability and its potential in the face of the challenges it has to overcome in the 21st century.

The exhibition "KÖRPERWELTEN - Am Puls der Zeit" invites visitors to critically question the constant sensory overload of modern life and its long-term effects on body and mind. In addition to explanations on nutrition, exercise and strengthening the immune system, the exhibition aims to show how a long and healthy life can be achieved in today's world.

KÖRPERWELTEN is an exhibition that changes the way we look at ourselves and our way of life. The fascinating real human exhibits provide comprehensive insights into the complex structure of our inner life and explain the functioning and interaction of body systems and organs, as well as common diseases, in an easily understandable way.

The plastinates shown in the KÖRPERWELTEN exhibition come from the body donation program of the Institute for Plastination in Heidelberg, in which more than 21,000 donors are now registered.

Frequently asked questions about the KÖRPERWELTEN exhibition in Bremen

1. who should visit KÖRPERWELTEN?

Anyone who wants to find out what makes us human and what characterizes the human body in its ingenuity and aesthetics.

2. is the KÖRPERWELTEN exhibition suitable for children?

There is no age limit for visiting the KÖRPERWELTEN exhibition for children and young people accompanied by a parent or guardian. Parents and teachers should decide for themselves whether the children and young people in their care are sufficiently prepared to visit KÖRPERWELTEN. Information material for preparing for and following up on the visit is available to download free of charge from the Teachers & Parents page.

3. what materials are made available to teachers and parents to help them prepare for KÖRPERWELTEN?

Teachers can download information material to prepare for and follow up on their school class visit to KÖRPERWELTEN. Parents and anyone interested can also use this material to prepare for their visit. You can find the information material as downloads on the Teachers & Parents page.
KÖRPERWELTEN offers teachers and trainee teachers the opportunity to view the exhibition in advance free of charge in order to get an idea of the KÖRPERWELTEN exhibition for themselves before visiting with their school classes.

4. is photography permitted in the KÖRPERWELTEN exhibition?

Written permission is required for editorial photography and filming, which can be requested from the exhibition press office.
In most KÖRPERWELTEN exhibitions, visitors are permitted to take a few souvenir photos for private, non-commercial purposes only and without flash. Please check the current regulations on site. Other visitors must not be disturbed by photography and their personal rights must not be violated. (Copyright infringements may result in legal penalties.) Please treat the human exhibits with respect.

5. is there an audio tour of the KÖRPERWELTEN exhibition?

Audio guides in various languages can be borrowed in most of the KÖRPERWELTEN exhibitions. The audio guide adds another dimension to a visit to the KÖRPERWELTEN exhibition. It contains easy-to-understand explanations, astonishing facts and figures and further information on the exhibits, which can be called up according to personal interest. The tour is designed for medical laypeople. The entire audio tour lasts approximately two hours.
Personal or group tours are offered in some of the KÖRPERWELTEN exhibitions. Information is available on the respective exhibition page or in the exhibition itself.

This content has been machine translated.


BLG-Forum Am Speicher XI 11 28217 Bremen

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