The event - Culture: Visions for Transformation Processes has been canceled. As soon as an alternative date has been set, we will publish it here.
The event will focus on visions, opportunities and challenges of transformation processes in and through culture. The focus will be on creative perspectives for shaping social change through culture and the structural transformation of cultural institutions. In addition to theoretical perspectives, concrete practical examples will be highlighted. In this way, a stimulating exchange will be facilitated.
Taking part in the discussion are:
Anselm Stählin (koralle design) will give us insights into the creation and the exhibition "Different Futures Make A Dialogue | Protopian Futures 2030-2040".
Jula Schürmann (management of Galerie Mitte/KUBO) talks about transformation processes in cultural institutions.
Rebecca Gefken (Go-Managing Director Belladonna, Board Member Stadtkultur) will share her research findings on transformation processes in cultural institutions.
Alicia Bernhardt (Stadtkultur Bremen e.V.), moderator
The event is part of the event series "kultur.theorie.praxis.DIALOGE." by Stadtkultur Bremen e.V.