PHOTO: © Laura Dee & Frieda Lee

Laura Dee & Frieda Lee

In the organizer's words:

With her new program "Chansons sans chance", the francophile Berliner-by-choice is now devoting herself entirely to songwriting in French. Winking, charming and light-footed. For Francophiles and those who want to become one! Knowledge of French is not required. Laura's piano playing and Frieda's cello artistry sparkle and paint against constant failure and succeed: the enchanting winners of the title "Act of the Month".
of the title "Act of the Month" at "Arno Zillmer's open Mic in der Wabe" are now motivated to open a new chapter in their 12-year band history.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:



Zimmer 16 Florastraße 16 13187 Berlin

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