We cordially invite you to a reading and discussion with Isabelle Graw and Lorenz Maroldt (editor-in-chief of the Tagesspiegel) in the Insel-Salon. Together they will talk about Isabelle Graw's recently published book "Angst und Geld".
This book is like a stream of anxiety that feeds on individual and social fears of loss and money worries. Captivatingly written as an inner monologue, it brings to the fore affects and moods that are no stranger to anyone in today's crisis-ridden world. The anxieties lurking around every corner are met in this book with a psychoanalytically deepened understanding. "Anxiety and Money" is by no means aimed at overcoming our worries and fears. Rather, they are a welcome occasion and catalyst for literary writing.
We look forward to seeing you!
Admission: from 7 pm
Start: 8 p.m.
Free admission!
Island Salon: https://www.instagram.com/inselsalon