PHOTO: © Jeff Siepman on

Max von Sponeck | Think & Drink – Migration

In the organizer's words:

The aim of this series is to shed light on topics that are currently of particular concern to our society in a relaxed atmosphere. Based on a current text, we will discuss these issues and look to philosophy for inspiration and perhaps even answers.

Migration, which will affect our society more and more, not only due to increasing crises in many parts of the world, but also due to demographic developments, is not only associated with enormous economic and political challenges, but also cultural ones, which arise from the need for people with very different views of the world and humanity to live together.

Dr. Max von Sponeck is a lecturer at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Heidelberg and at the Heidelberg University of Education. He specializes in the contemporary philosophy of mind.

Language: German
Duration: approx. 2 hours

Registration: Ingrid Stolz,

This content has been machine translated.


DAI. Das Haus der Kultur Sofienstraße 12 69115 Heidelberg

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