"Everything always hits us out of the blue; animals sense things, I don't." Our protagonist lives in the city center and ekes out a living as a playwright and private tutor. This works reasonably well until suddenly the rent is to be increased by 75% next month. Either he pays up or he moves out.
The owner is, of course, unreachable and the lady at the property management company is not exactly happy about personal visits. The pool attendant also reacts sensitively to breakneck jumps from the edge of the pool. A functioning love life is out of the question and even the dog in the house opposite has made an enemy of the tenant.
The tenant falls through the cracks of the system of capitalist normality - until he cuts them in two. He no longer plays along, becomes an animal defending his territory and finally takes the fight against an invincible opponent to the extreme with the greatest possible pathos: he throws a party.
Paco Gámez's one-person play takes us on an emotional journey through the limbo of the capitalist logic of exploitation, beasts its protagonist, celebrates radical refusal and rediscovers humanity in the absurd, hopeless battle against windmills.
A production by Theaterhaus G7
A play by Paco Gámez | Translated by Franziska Muche | With Maximilian Wex | Production Inka Neubert | Stage & Costume Isabel Garcia Espino | Video & Sound Philippe Mainz | Lighting Design Stefan Grießhaber
Price information:
The ticket for some: 25€
The ticket for some: 15€
The ticket for many: 10€
The ticket for all: 5€
Advance booking fees also apply for online advance sales.
Our solidarity pricing system is based on the fact that those who (can) pay more enable those who can pay less to visit the theater. Together with our colleagues from EinTanzHaus and zeitraumexit, we want to make it possible for even more people to visit the theater.