In the organizer's words:

Date: Friday, 21st June 2024 Start 18:00 End 19:00 Location: Alexis HAUS der Statistik

Free entry, donations for the artists are highly appreciated •

This is a music-performance in a vanilla construction-space. MITTEMÄSSIG <> MITTELMÄSSIG

About the artists

BINI Violin, electronc instruments, voice Bini was born in East Berlin in 1982. She began playing the violin at the age of seven. From the age of 13, she completed a classical education in violin, piano, music theory and aural training as a 'junior student' at the HfM Hans Eisler in Berlin. In 2006, she studied jazz at the Jazz Institute in Berlin. Sabine Bremer has been working as a freelance artist in the fields of music and theater on international stages since 2002. Together with Arne Nitzsche and their band 'Nitzsche & Hummel', she has been working as a producer and co-producer in the independent scene for interdisciplinary art pieces since 2008, in addition to her role as a theater musician and performer. Together they develop a live-producing audio setup for their instruments. Since 2015, they have been creating works for violin and electronic instruments in the form of a solo project, which find an audience in concert, theater and film.

INI Dance, voice Ini Dill is an active member of the Berlin dance scene and a founding member of the Berlin-based collective "die elektroschuhe". She completed her dance training at the Ballet School of the Vienna State Opera and has worked since 1992 both as a dancer and a choreographer for several Stadttheaters and opera houses. Ini has been involved in independent projects in Austria, Italy, Holland and Germany. She has collaborated with Martin Kušej, Hans Falar, Roberto Galvan, Rui Horta, Frederic Flamand, Marco Santi and Jai Gonzales among others. Her work was also presented at Tanz im August, in Sophiensaele and Hau 3, in Dock11 Berlin, Ballhaus Ost Berlin, Acker Stadt Palast, i-camp München and in WUK in Vienna. She is one of the pioneers at HAUS der Statistik and working there in cooperation with BÜHNEN im Haus der Statistik, Bini, Dramatische Republik and Kunstrepublik.

Ist dieser Event barrierearm / barrierefrei?

Menschen mit Sehbehinderung und Blindheit X Menschen mit Hörbehinderung x
Menschen mit motorischen Einschränkungen XZugang für Rollstuhlnutzer ebenerdig oder über Rampe möglich x Behindertengerechte Toilette x


Haus der Statistik Karl-Marx-Allee 1 10178 Berlin

Organizer | Festival

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