PHOTO: © Installation view, forking paths, max goelitz 2023 | Copyright of the artists | Photo: Dirk Tacke

night of uncertainty

In the organizer's words:

night of uncertainty hints at an era of ambiguity in which ecstasy, sensory overload and power dynamics distort traditional points of reference. The exhibition with Lukas Heerich, Brigitte Kowanz, Rosanna Marie Pondorf and Jeremy Shaw presents the overwhelming abundance of information and stimuli and emphasizes the disorienting effects on human consciousness. Following on from the media theories of the French philosopher Paul Virilio - whose texts from the 1970s and 1980s were an important point of reference for Kowanz - the exhibition brings together works that deal with instability, boundlessness and the transitory. In his essays, he describes the social effects of an accelerated world through media and the resulting changes in the perception and distribution of power. In night of uncertainty, the artists depict a fragmented reality in which uncertain conditions enable new perspectives and in which certainty gives way to ambiguity.

For Brigitte Kowanz's investigations into the speed and perception of the world, light is the primary medium that she uses both as a carrier of information and material. Kowanz's works with codes and language are taken up in the exhibition by Rosanna Marie Pondorf's wall works, in which emojis appear as means of communication and symbols of power. Pondorf's examination of hierarchical structures, pornography and finance follows the intention of revealing power dynamics. Lukas Heerich's objects - reminiscent of clubs, fashion and fetish - are also characterized by places of uncertainty, where the boundaries of consciousness and physicality become blurred. The loss of control that is omnipresent in Heerich's works is evident in Jeremy Shaw's exploration of transcendental states. In semi-scientific experiments, Shaw combines music, ecstasy and photography to explore expanded states of consciousness and the resulting altered perception of the world.

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max goelitz Herzog-Rudolf-Straße 80539 München

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