PHOTO: © Jean Ferry


In the organizer's words:

Okan Seese is deaf, gay and half Turkish.

He is Germany's only deaf comedian who also performs for hearing audiences. In his program, expectations are turned upside down because an interpreter, who is not paid per hour but per laugh, translates the signs for the audience. And Okan only pays for laughs that he can hear.

This promises to be even funnier. With every performance, the certainty grows that humor is a universal language that can build a bridge between deaf and hearing people.

Can deaf people relate to music? How do they hear their alarm clock? Can they even drive a car? How do deaf people actually make phone calls? Can they dial the emergency number? And do they get turned on by moaning during sex? Okan talks about his everyday life with great self-irony and from a perspective that is unusual for hearing people. He skillfully plays with stereotypes, only to break them again in the next moment. His humor is surprising and honest, his facial expressions are enchanting, Okan takes us into a fascinating world with a strong community, a rich culture and his own expressive language.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

from 23 €

Terms and Conditions for lotteries


BKA Theater Mehringdamm 34 10961 Berlin

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