PHOTO: © Thomas Aurin

P14 – WDWKW – Komm süßer Tod leg dich zu mir

In the organizer's words:

Look, that little one over there, that's enough for all of us. I'll grab him.
He thinks he's one of us.
But his fur is too short.
In the prophecy, the fur was longer, wasn't it?
We're on an island and big, furry, beefy creatures are stalking through the landscape.
In the middle of it all is a small, sour, stomping boy in wolf fur.
This is Max and he will become king, at least that's what the prophecy says.
The pop prophecy. What actually happened to the old leader? And
what's the story behind that figure that's always lurking at the edge of the picture?
Was that dark figure in the corner there earlier? Or is it just in
in my head?
So many questions, but one more to go:
I'll lie down with it, yeah?

This content has been machine translated.


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