"Penmai" is an Indian classical dance drama production that brings to life the strong, fearless, compassionate and determined women from the life of Lord Krishna. Through graceful movement and expressive storytelling, the dancers honor the unconditional love and devotion of these extraordinary women. An evening that celebrates the strength, grace and unwavering spirit of femininity.
There will be two shows on the evening of the event: The first dance performance starts at 5:00 pm (admission 4:30 pm) and the second starts at 7:00 pm (admission from 6:30 pm).
Organized by Malayali Samajam e.V.
This content has been machine translated.Price information:
Advance booking € 15.00 Reduced prices: Advance booking € 12 Tickets via email at hdmalayalisamajam@gmail.com or by phone on 0155 / 60032904