PHOTO: © Haley Lawrence via Unsplash

Alice im Wunderland

In the organizer's words:

or How Alice fell into her head

freely adapted from Lewis Carroll

Ascience-theaterjourneythrough Alice's neural pathways.

When a talking rabbit hops past Alice, Alice can't believe her eyes. She follows the strange creature, falls down the rabbit hole, shrinks, grows, swims in a lake of tears and encounters the whole cabaret of nonsense that is so famous today. We follow Alice into the depths of her head and encounter various apparitions in this labyrinth - in the form of the rabbit, the caterpillar or the hatter. What happens when our own fear takes on a living form and suddenly speaks to us? Who do we trust when our memory misremembers? And where does the source of our imagination actually lie? Together we escape into a wonderland of dreamlike confusion and stray dreams.

Alice is Alice is Alice is Alice is ... a character full of imagination. She escapes into a fantasy world where she does not have to conform to the conventions, logic and expectations of society. A journey through Alice's (sub)consciousness in search of transformation and self-discovery.

Director, concept: Anaïs-Manon Mazić

A co-production with the Folkwang University of the Arts

This content has been machine translated.


Schauspielhaus Bochum Königsallee 15 44789 Bochum