PHOTO: © Berliner Ringtheater (Foto: Toni Petraschk)

Rester Barbare

In the organizer's words:

"Rester Barbare" is a performative piece developed by Arthur Osiris and Daria Geske that deals with the objectification of queer and black bodies in society, the media and the art world in particular. Driven by their own disempowering experiences at art academies and in their work with theater institutions, the autofictional performance searches for ways to corrupt and bastardize the hostility they experience towards their own existence in equally pleasurable and brute action sequences.

"Rester Barbare" swings from idealization to demonization of these physical inscriptions of social power and violence like a pendulum from 'Self Care' to 'Self Harm'. The performers magnify and exaggerate the value of their body parts in a pharmapornographic manner with oils, hormones, skins and prostheses. Like fetishes on dating apps or in music videos, the limbs become a golem that overwrites the devaluation of their own bodies.

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Berliner Ringtheater Alt-Stralau 68 10245 Berlin

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