In the organizer's words:


Every first Sunday of the Month for 12 hours from noon to midnight MaHalla is transformed into a sacred space that is worshipping the creation and transmission of music and sound.

RADIO ASHRAM 12:00 - 14:00

Radio Ashram is a DJ project by Gogo Engst, he is a Music producer and musician founder of the Music Ashram Record Label. He will be playing rare unreleased and released music from the Music Ashram's past four years archive, mostly live performances. Ambient, experimental, psychedelic rock and a deep exploration of trance states are part of Radio Ashram's momentum at Sanctum of Sound.

FLORAMOR 14:00 - 16:00

A Ceremonial Ambient ~ Landscapes of Ancient Future

The ceremonialist and shamanic sound witch Floramor is stepping out of her usual Sacred setting, exploring more the Artistic Muses of the Inner Sound Cathedrals.
This is an Invitation into unique space, where icaro-based woven musical patterns howl from ancient caves of this Mother Earth. Prophetic poetry, whispers, elemental spirits, trans-loop-wholes and ancestral shadows, behind all of them dance the tapestry within the urban concrete walls, industrial structures, ambiental blueprints of the Mahalla space.

"In complete unknowness, I watch the essence glisten in the dark.
I watch her potentiality manifest, explode exponentially in the moment in myriad surprising ways, I honor all the voices behind every sound, and welcome the deep, and that which is deeper than the deep"

SUMEET ANAND 16:00 - 18:00

A spontaneous musical conversation guided by Dr. Sumeet Anand Pandey where ragas and rhythmic frameworks are performed over the sound of the drone instrument Tanpura and the barrel-shaped ancient Indian drum Pakhawaj. While moving away from the fixed structure of composition improvising melodically, rhythmically and emotionally the performance is founded in exploring and expressing this beautiful music style full of meditative and tranquil effects coming from the centuries-old living Dhrupad classical music in North India.
PIANO ANATOMY 18:00 - 20:00

The multidisciplinary artist Salvador Burrell (Chile) brings together Piano Anatomy. He is the curator and creative director of the Private Raum gallery, with a long trajectory as drummer both in Santiago de Chile and Berlin he is also known for creating various types of light and sound installations around the world.

In Piano Anatomy he uses different types of pianos as sound devices, opening and exploring their interiors like resonant living bodies, considering their intimate parts as vibrating organs.

The performance will take us on a rhythmic journey accompanied by songs within a lyrical tapestry of love that intertwines with the whispers of the universe's boundless power, resonating with the transient beauty of existence.
This will feature sonic guitars and percussive piano, along with the voices of his bandmate from his musical project "Xivis", Sophie Soft, and MaHalla's resident and musician Darius Voltra, leading us on an unknown spatial journey.

KONCHORD 20:00 - 22:00

Konchord is a musician, producer and DJ who is bridging the worlds of spirituality and electronic music. Classically trained on the piano and with several years of experience playing in rock settings, the artist is merging these musical worlds into an eclectic sonic tapestry that is intended to be a sanctuary for the sensitive soul as well as an inspiration for the curious mind. As the name suggests his music transmits a frequency of harmony, unity, of being in tune and in concord. For Sanctum of Sound, Konchord crafts an ambient performance especially tailored to the halls of MaHalla.

THE FOUR 22:00 - 00:00

For each Sanctum of Sound, the music Ashram puts together a 4-piece formation of guest musicians and members of the Ashram. Performing this time: John Derek Bishop with electronics and synthesizers, Daniel Schröteler in the drums and percussions, Song Yi Jeon with his voice and Claudio Puntin in the clarinet.

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