In the organizer's words:

Followed by a film talk with the director Soleen Yusef

Admission: 19:30

Venue: Lawn next to the Alte Nazarethkirche (Leopolplatz, Berlin-Wedding)

Free admission

Limited number of benches, please bring a folding chair or blanket!


Eleven-year-old Mona fled Syria with her Kurdish family of seven and ended up in Berlin, more precisely in Wedding. There she goes to a notorious elementary school. 90 percent "foreigners". Chaos reigns here. Most of the teachers are at their wits' end and the pupils' frustration levels are rising daily. Mona's too. She can barely speak German, but she can play soccer. In her home country, she often played soccer with her friends on the street. She misses her home, her friends and especially her aunt Helin. She was Mona's hero and always supported her passion for soccer. Everything is different in Germany. Mr. Che, a dedicated teacher, recognizes Mona's extraordinary talent and accepts her into the girls' team. Well-intentioned, but anything but easy. Mona is quickly considered an outsider, and getting along with the other girls turns out to be more difficult than expected. Each of them is fighting her own battle, but it soon becomes clear that they can only win if they play together.

D: D: Dileyla Agirman, Andreas Döhler, Sherine Ciara Merai, Tamira Bwibo, Halima Ilter, Hêvîn Tekin, Alireza Ahmadi, Fatima Hamieh, Samira Hamieh, Yumin Hannah Cho, Carlotta Su Ipsen, Artemis Kostopoulou and others.

Germany 2024
Language: German, Kurdish
DCM Film Distribution


Winner of the German Film Award 2024

Further dates for the summer cinema on Leopoldplatz: 05.09.2024 "Ellbogen" (20:30), 12.09.2024 "Lustiges Stummfilmkino" (20:30)

The event is funded by urban development funds, the federal-state program Lebendiges Zentrum and the Wedding-Müllerstraße redevelopment area and is carried out on behalf of the Mitte district office of Berlin (Urban Development Office - Urban Planning Department).

This content has been machine translated.


Leopoldplatz Leopoldplatz 13353 Berlin

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