PHOTO: © Thomas Aurin

Streik dem Krieg!

In the organizer's words:

Panel, assembly, discussion - incl. theater scene and militarism quiz!

We are rearming! In Germany, 100 billion is being spent on the Bundeswehr, while health, education and culture are being cut back. Weapons are being produced and exported like never before. There is talk of security, while the daily lives of most people are insecure due to inflation, unemployment and a lack of prospects. The Minister of Defense says, "We must become fit for war". Who has to go to war? The nation or the class? Which class has to go to war, and which class benefits from it? What does it mean to think of class in war? How can we stop the war machine? Where is our power? Is strike the strongest means against war? What power do we have in workplaces, on the streets, in universities and in schools to resist this militarization?

We will discuss all this with our invited guests: The dockworkers' collective CALP is blocking arms shipments from Genoa (Italy) and is organized as an anti-fascist in the city. At FESTIWALLA they will report on their successes, repression and strategies. Rheinmetall Disarm has been organizing protests on the streets and other actions for years to take action against the arms industry and especially Rheinmetall in Germany. From September 03-08, 2024, the Rheinmetall Disarm Camp will take place in Kiel. The Student Coalition Berlin is at the forefront of the current anti-war movement in Berlin. Since the Columbia occupation on April 17, students have set up tent camps in over 200 locations in the USA - with tens of thousands of participants across the country, it is the largest campus movement in the USA since 1968. Starting with students from the USA, thousands of young people have now transformed universities internationally into places of political action. They are demanding: Stop the genocide in Gaza and the ongoing (neo)colonial violence in Kurdistan, Congo and Sudan! In Germany, too, the protests continue. More and more teachers are showing solidarity, but the repression is also historic. Benedikt Hopmann is a lawyer for labor law who deals with the issue of political strikes, which are supposed to be banned in Germany. He is a member of the Campaign for a Comprehensive Right to Strike and fights against the case law from Germany's fascist past - currently with former delivery service riders who were dismissed due to so-called "wildcat strikes". In addition: The S.K.E.T. Ensemble (Theater X) will give a theatrical introduction to the topic of anti-militarism, and students will question your knowledge about Germany's militarization!

to the overview FESTIWALLA

This content has been machine translated.


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