Roll up Roll up to The Greatest Show on Earth! A homage to our traditions. A ringmxter and a popcorn seller bring you the biggest & the best show in all the world, with a splash of participation, a smattering of poetry & a tongue in a cheek.
Collectif and then... is a monster. It has many limbs, many eyes, many voices and many qualities which we don't have the vocabulary for.
The monster has devoured artists, thinkers & mischief makers.
But don't fear being eaten by the monster, the belly of the beast is a bright and bubbling place.
The monster has roots much like a network of mushrooms that have spread themselves wide across the world. It's roots have become heavily entangled in the ropes of circus, but have also grown out into other realms such as fine art, theater, dance and activism.
The core artists in the belly of the beast are aerialists. They bounce around the body of the monster, glimpsing out it's many eyes, delving deep into it's roots, and bringing people in through the mouth.
They are big & strong and have beaming smiles! They opt for disgrace over grace, elephant over elegant and naughty over nice. They are proud that reviewers have noted their 'ungainly' style.
We perform internationally in a variety of spaces, from a circus tent in Rio De Janeiro at the International Circus Festival Rio De Janeiro, to Prakab Cable Factory in Prague, to The Royal Opera House in London, To La Levratte in Nyon, Switzerland, to the top of our very own Circus Boat on the waterways of France and the UK. We make indoor and outdoor work, some of it is site specific, some is unsightly, some is unspecific and some of it is its very on species. We make shows that range in scale from one to one, to casts of up to 15 people and audiences in their thousands.
More tickets in the ticketshop.
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