PHOTO: © EinTanzHaus

The Visible Thinking Body (VTB) / Workshop

In the organizer's words:

EinTanzHaus provides two days of 4-hour intensive practice, hosting Sergiu Matis to lead a contemporary workshop for dance practitioners.

This workshop is part of a series of works to support professionals, students and those interested in performing arts with experience in body practices in Baden-Württemberg, strengthen techniques, generate more visibility, and support a network of choreographers and dancers abroad.

Workshop Description:

In his workshop the choreographer Sergiu Matis will share some of the tools of his way of making dance, being developed since 2013 as the Visible Thinking Body practice (VTB). VTB are ways of navigating and thinking the body in motion. What kind of thinking can be made visible in action and how does it become a dance?

Matis will lead the participants through the process with heightened attention to motion, departing from stillness and noticing the inner groove, detecting the initiation of movements, then recognizing the personal drive to sustain and guide them towards imaginative dynamics. At the end of this exercise lurk big questions: what moves us today, how to sustain future big storms, what to fight for and when to soften. These questions reflect on the role of dance today, along and within the nature-culture-technology continuum.

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EinTanzHaus G4 68159 Mannheim

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